Political Science 3313
Introduction to International Relations

Professor Roy Casagranda

Fall 2002
TTh 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Room: 344 PGH
Office: PGH 383
Phone: 713-743-3933
Email: rcasagranda@uh.edu
Office Hours: TTh 3:45-4:00 and Th 5:30-5:45

Destroyers, are they who lay snares for many, and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred cravings over them.
                                                                                   Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra

This is an introductory undergraduate lecture class on international relations.  Its primary function is to address fundamental questions and concepts related to theories of world politics and well as to inform students of the current state of world politics.  The aim is not, however, limited to merely acquiring theoretical or factual data.  In fact at this time when so much is at stake this lecture class has become an examination of human survival. 

Class Attendance: All members of the class will be expected to participate actively and regularly.  The professor may drop anyone who has missed four class sessions.

Readings: You will read from the textbook and the supplemental texts in preparation for every class session.  The lecture will not necessarily follow the readings, however, students should ask questions regarding the reading at the beginning of each lecture.  Even if a topic in the reading is not addressed in the lecture it will likely still be on a test.  This is also true for lecture topics that do not appear in the reading.  You will be responsible for all material assigned and discussed in class even if not present for such discussions; people with excused absences are still responsible for any missed material.

John T. Rourke,
International Politics on the World Stage, 8th ed., Dushkin 2000
Nicolo Machiavelli,
The Prince, trans. Leo Paul S. de Alvarez
Sun Tzu,
The Art of War, Trans. Samuel B. Griffith
Edward Said,
Edward S. Herman, The Real Terror Network

Papers: Over the course of the semester you will be required to write 5
three-page review essays concerning an essential concept or basic theoretical issue relating to international relations.  You will be expected to address fundamental theoretical issues, not merely technical questions.  You may have to read unassigned material relating to the subject.  Papers should be edited for grammar, punctuation, consistency of thought, theoretical soundness, and spelling.  Do not let the length of the paper confuse you.  These review essays should be treated with professional care.  Note: they are not summaries.  Do not summarize.  Reading comprehension is a given at junior level.  These review essays must transcend the obvious.  They need to tackle real issues. 

Journal Article Reviews: Throughout the semester students will be required to look up
journal articles related to issues in the reading or from the lecture.  A one-page summary will be turned in for each article reviewed.  Such summaries need not use grammar or follow any kind of conventional writing structure.  A list of points or some sort of organization is a good idea.

Examinations: There will be three tests.  The format will likely be 50-100 question multiple choice.  Grades will be determined according the criteria on the
supplemental page.

Academic Dishonesty: Work tainted by dishonesty has no academic value.  University Rules and Regulations define academic dishonesty as the following acts among others: cheating; knowingly assisting another student to cheat; plagiarism; and unauthorized possession of examinations.  Any act of academic dishonesty will automatically result in a grade of "zero" for affected work.  In addition, any act of academic dishonesty will be referred to University authorities for disciplinary action where harsher penalties are likely to be mediated out.

The state, I call it, where all are poison-drinkers, the good and the bad: the state, where all lose themselves, the good and the bad: the state, where the slow suicide of all--is called "life."
                                                                                               Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra

The System and its Units
August 27: Introduction, Chapter 1
August 29: World Politics, Chapter 2
September 3: The Rise of the Nation State, The Prince
September 5: The Nation State, Chapter 8
September 10: Nationalism, Chapter 6
September 12: Three-World System
September 17: System-Level Analysis, Chapter 3
September 19: State-Level Analysis, Chapter 4
September 24: Individual Level Analysis, Chapter 5
September 26: Test 1

The Means and Tools of Statecraft
October 1: War, The Art of War
October 3: War, Chapter 12
October 8: Diplomacy, Chapter 10
October 10: Propaganda, Orientalism
October 15: Propaganda, Orientalism
October 17: International Security, Chapter 13
October 22: Terrorism, The Real Terror Network
October 24: Terrorism, The Real Terror Network
October 29:  International Economy, Chapter 14
October 31: National Economy, Chapter 15
November 5: International Economic Cooperation, Chapter 16
November 7: Test 2

International Institutions and the Future
November 12: Globalization, Chapter 7
November 14: Transnationalism, Chapter 7
November 19: International Organization, Chapter 9
November 21: International Law and Morality, Chapter 11
November 26: Communicative Action
November 28: Thanksgiving, No class
December 3: Human Rights, Chapter 17
December 5: Global Commons, Chapter 18
December 17: Final 5-8 PM